Wellbeing Communal Spaces
Living together in community can relieve the burden of loneliness and mental ill health.
3/9/20241 min read

I was interested to read in Elle recently about the new trend in communal living. From purpose-built fashionable apartments in London with shared communal spaces, to off-grid living in southern Italy with a range of burnt-out professionals, living together, sharing meals and spaces and having company and togetherness.
It has been in my heart for several years now to develop such a space, inshAllah, for Muslim sisters to come and recover, recuperate, connect with nature, with Allah and with each other. My vision has a mystical focus, a kind of semi-retreat to focus on the spiritual path to Allah.
There are many single and divorced women out there, those of us whose children are now older and the responsibilities we once had are no longer. Sudden freedom can be accompanied by loss, boredom and anxiety. Other sisters have not been married and are used to the single life but may be longing for more community. And single Mums who can bring their children and experience the support of others.
Shared cooking, cleaning and responsibilities also can bring challenges to work on our ego, all for the sake of the journey to Allah.
Perhaps stays of up to six weeks, or who knows, even longer. I feel excited about the prospect and exploring community and Islam with other like-minded sisters.
May Allah open the doors - ameen.
And if you'd like to have a flavour of the benefits of the space and community - please join us on retreat - with the added bonus of a complete break from household chores and amazing activities!
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